National Team Program
BBA National Teams
The first recorded BBA National Team to compete overseas was an Under-17 Men's team which participated in the 1989 Carifta Games. In 1999, an Under-17 Men's team hosted a team from Turks and Caicos Islands. The first recorded Senior Men's Program was formed in 2002 after the BBA was invited to participate as a member of the Bermuda Island Games Association (BIGA) in the 2003 Natwest Island Games. Since 2009, the Senior Men's Program has also added the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC) tournament to it's Calendar of Events, having participated 4 times.
Women's Basketball has ebbed and flowed from the 1980's to present. The BBA has always been able to secure Select teams to compete against visiting Women's College teams. However, the first recorded Senior Women's program was formed in 2004 after seeing the success of the Men's team. Unfortunately, the women's program has lacked the committment of the men's program, resulting in their participation in only 3 IG related events. The BBA hopes that it will be able to send a competitive Women's Team to the 2019 Island Games which will be held in Gibraltar.
Caribbean Basketball Confederation
2007 (BVI) - Senior Men (placed 8th of 8)
2011 (Bahamas) - Senior Men (placed 5th of 9)
2014 (BVI) - Did not compete
2015 (BVI) - Senior Men (placed 8th of 10)
2017 - Event moved to 2018
2018 (Suriname) - Senior Men (placed 8th of 10)
2023 (TBD)
Natwest Island Games
2003 (Guernsey) - Senior Men (Bronze)
2005 (Gibraltar) - ** Senior Men (Gold) ** Senior Women (Bronze)
2007 (Rhodes) - Senior Men (Silver) Senior Women (Bronze)
2009 (Aland) - Senior Men (Gold)
2011 (Isle of Wight) - Senior Men (Gold) Senior Women (did not medal)
2013 (Bermuda) - Senior Men (Gold)
2015 (Jersey) - Senior Men (Silver)
2017 (Gotland) - Did not compete
2019 (Gibraltar) - Did not compete
2021 - Event moved to 2023
2023 (Guernsey) - ???
** - Non-sanctioned tournament